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10 Best Gadget 2010

1. iPad iPad is not the first touchscreen tablet, but the most successful. Just imagine, three million units demolished in the first month ...

Ipad 2 Smaller?

Rather than weighing the two competitors - Samsung Galaxy Tab and BlackBerry Playbook - Apple iPad screen does have a larger size. But repor...

Android Motorola, Picking Reviews

Reportedly, Android-based tablet that will have two kinds of size that is 7 inch and 10 inch. There are a lot of speculation that debating t...

Galaxy Tab Awarded

Galaxy Tab Sabet Gelar Gadget of The Year detikcom - Jakarta, Gadget Award kembali memilih deretan gadget-gadget terbaik di kelasnya. Untu...


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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani