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EmEditor : Fast Text Editor

Have you ever tried to edit a big file? I mean, a really big file, like 2GB or more. It should be easy, I mean, after all you just got that...

Find and Replace Text Inside Multiple Files Using TexFinderX

TexFinderX is a free tool for Mac OS X and Windows that lets you search and replace any text inside entire folders. It can find and replac...

Kameha meha: Trend baru pengganti Harlem Shake

Bosan dengan euphoria Harlem Shake, kini di Jepang muncul fenomena baru yaitu beredarnya foto para remaja Jepang bergaya jurus Hadouken atau...

Oh... tidak Bale

FOTO:AFP/Ian Kington ...

Penjelasan mengenai Tarif Paket Always On Three aka tere

Lagi nyoba Always On Three... brosang brosing kalau gak salah tiap bulannya dapat quota supaya bisa "berkeliaran" 50MB, sikik s...

search text across multiple files with Windows Grep

search text across multiple files with Windows Grep Windows only: Windows Grep searches user-defined files and folders for text or regular e...

Fake Name Generator (imacros)

iMacros - Fake Name Generator This will let you quickly generate tons of fake female names. All the results will match (i.e. the ZIP code m...

Facebook Likes (Imacro Script)

<blockquote>' ------------------------------------------ Start Script ----------------------------------------<span style=...

Imacro and PHP to The Keyword

imacro + php to the keyword.   The csv result.csv. seed keyword,"keyword",&start990,intitle:"keyword",inurl:...

Script Imacro Spin Content,Title,tags for Wordpress Network (imacros script)

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Free PHP script Articl Spinner

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iMacro WPMU initial setup

<span style="font-size: x-small;">URL GOTO=https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=mail  TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:T...

Gmail Login (imacros script)

---start script---- URL GOTO=https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=mail TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:https://www.go...

Tony Romo About

Play after take part in the sellout crowd of Ralph Wilson Stadium in Buffalo got louder and louder and louder....The thrash talk forwarded t...


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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani