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MAKNA FILOSOFI DARI LAGU GUNDUL-GUNDUL PACUL Ternyata lagu gundul-gundul pacul mempunyai filosofi yang cukup mendalam, Lagu Gundul Gundul...

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Disaat-saat tertentu untuk menghilangkan kejenuhan kadang kala entertain (kesenangan) harus kita upayakan, demikian pula ketika kita berkuta...

Bio-Linux 6.0 : A small Linux Distribution

Bio-Linux is an ideal system for scientists handling and analysing biological data. Bio-Linux 6.0 is a fully featured, powerful, config...

Linux Commands You Need to Know as Web Developer

Linux Commands You Need to Know as Web Developer As web developer, somewhere along the line, you’ll meet unix or linux shell....

Web Development Tools in Linux

Web Development Tools in Linux Switching to Linux is one great move, but sometimes as a web developer who familiar with GUI,...

10 Steps to Becoming a Great Web Developer

10 Steps to Becoming a Great Web Developer For those of us who are already web developers it may seem obvious but when you ju...


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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani