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free web hosting [info]


- "Quick Sharing" is a free file sharing service which does not require
registering to use. You can anonymously upload files free, up to 500 MB
limit per file, from their simple home page upload form. The free file
upload site allows unlimited downloads and uploads (unlimited
bandwidth), and seemingly all filetypes. Their free file hosting server
network is currently powered by 15 dedicated servers, load-balanced,
for reliable and fast uploading and downloading. Hosted files are only
deleted from the servers if the file is not accessed within the past 30
days. The provided download URL reports the filename, filesize,
description, and the number of times the file has been downloaded. All
file extensions are allowed to be uploaded except web scripts like php,
cgi, and asp files.

( Rating: 9.70 | Votes: 162 | Hits: 67,222 | Added: May 21, 2006 )

- This is a free file hosting service provider that allows you to share
files up to 80MB each (80 MB filesize limit), with optional file
description. Split files can be uploaded (after using a file splitting
program) if the filesize is bigger than 80 megabytes. ohShare does not
delete files hosted on their web server unless it violates their TOS or
if there is no download activity on the file in the last 30 days. Any
download manager or accelerator will work to resume broken downloads.
Most file extensions allowed. The only prohibited file extensions are
PHP, CGI, PL, and HTML files. There is a download counter to show stats
of how many file downloads. Currently has no delay counter for free
file downloads (like many free file hosts have).

( Rating: 9.70 | Votes: 84 | Hits: 18,275 | Added: Aug 2, 2006 )

- "Best Sharing" offers an easy-to-use, free file hosting service which
allows unlimited downloads, unlimited uploads, and unlimited bandwidth
for hosted files, with download accelerators and download managers
support, and no registration required to use the free file sharing
service. Just upload your file and receive the download link to share
with other people or post on forums, blogs, and web sites. There is a
125 MB file size limit on the free file uploads. Unused files are
deleted after 45 days (time since the hosted file was last downloaded;
files less than 5 MB in size are not deleted). All known filetypes are
allowed to be uploaded, including split archives files, videos, and
audios. You can use the BestSharing free filehosting service to host
your digital camera photos, audio and mp3 files, computer games,
software, video clips, cell phone ring tones, Excel spreadsheets,
Microsoft Word documents, and music albums. After uploading your file,
you are given several choices for more features. If you wish to store
your download and delete links as email messages, just enter your
e-mail address in the form and both links will be emailed to you
immediately. You can optionally add a meaningful description for your
uploaded file. Want to protect download link by password? If you need
additional level of security, you can protect your hosted file with a
password protection and nobody will be able to download the file
without your permission. Their numerous dedicated servers provide quick
download speeds and unlimited storage space to host files. The multiple
100mbps Linux servers are located in U.S. datacenters to provide free
files hosting service that is more efficient based on the user's

( Rating: 9.68 | Votes: 25 | Hits: 9,603 | Added: May 11, 2006 )

- "Free File Upload .net" is a free file hosting service using multiple
servers for the maximum uptime of your hosted files. There is a 50MB
file size limit on the free file uploads, and no limit on number of
downloads or download bandwidth (subject to the fair usage policy). The
free filehosting service has 200mbits of bandwidth and over 1 terabyte
of hard drive storage space in its servers. There is a 30-days
inactivity time-out on files. No direct linking to files, but instead
you are given a download URL from a webpage with ads. Use their web
hosting service to host your files on their reliable dedicated server
network and share them with your friends and on message boards and
blogs. You can freely host most file types, including movies, songs,
films, mp3s, games, music, demos, and more. Operated by the same
hosting company as PhotoJerk.

( Rating: 9.64 | Votes: 92 | Hits: 44,377 | Added: Dec 9, 2005 )

- "Net File Go" is a free filesharing service which lets you easily
upload files without registering to share with others. NetFileGo
provides free file hosting on a fast server for files up to 100 MB. The
only files not allowed to be uploaded are those having exe, php, html,
or htaccess file extensions. You get a large amount of free web space
for hosting your movies, audio files, documents, pictures, music, and
more. There is no mention of how long the hosted files remain on the
server though.

( Rating: 9.64 | Votes: 22 | Hits: 2,735 | Added: Nov 17, 2006 )

- FileAve.com is a free file host and web host which gives users 50 MB
file storage space on free hosting accounts, and 150 MB bandwidth/day
(about 4.5 GB/month). That is the daily data transfer for external
linking (file downloads by others), but all users have unlimited access
to their own files through the control panel. You can host 50 MB of
your videos, music clips, Flash animations, WAV files, and images for
use anywhere, such as LiveJournal, eBay auction listings, MySpace,
Xanga, photographers, sharing your files, homework, and more. All file
types are permitted, but no scripting is allowed. The HTML codes are
automatically generated for embedding music/videos/images on webpages
-- hotlinking (direct linking/ external linking) files is allowed. Once
you have uploaded a song, music, or video file, you can use the "Get
Codes" link to generate EMBED tags that can be used on other websites
to play the music/video file. The filehosting account includes a free
subdomain, such as yourname.fileave.com, in which you can make a free
home page. You can create your own folders/directories to organize your
files, or just upload files into the root folder. FileAve.com is a
sister site to Ripway.com (owned and operated by Ripside Interactive, a
free web hosting company since 1999), and their dedicated webhosting
servers are located in a highly secure datacenter, with redundant
storage, multiple connections to the internet, and a large cluster of
web servers to maintain hosting reliability. Account creation is
instant (registration required). Freehosting accounts that are inactive
for more than 60 days (2 months) will be removed from the webservers,
but their TOS reccommends to log in to your account at least once a
month to keep it active. Accounts can have paid upgrades to increase
the file storagespace and daily data transfer limits.

( Rating: 9.62 | Votes: 45 | Hits: 7,635 | Added: Apr 14, 2007 )

- "File Wind" is a free file sharing company offering 500mb file size
uploads, unlimited downloads, and unlimited online storage space, with
no need to register to use. Files larger than 500 MB can be split and
then uploaded. All files that have not been downloaded in over 30 days
are removed from the webserver by their system. The following file
extensions types are prohibited to upload: php, cgi, htaccess, pl, com,
scr, htm, html. The download page has a download stats counter to
display how many times the file has been accessed.

( Rating: 9.60 | Votes: 48 | Hits: 7,801 | Added: Nov 17, 2006 )

- MooLoad is a free file hosting site, with a 500 MB file upload limit.
Mooload has no set limits on downloads, and the adverts on the file
download page are non-obtrusive. The web site operates a high quality
network, and no filetypes are banned, but server-side
scripted/executable files are turned into highlighted sourcecode (such
as PHP). A dedicated server is running the website purely for
filehosting. Files will be kept for at least 30 days, but normally
deleted if they have not been downloaded once in 30 days and if their
hard drive space is running low. The dedicated file server has 2
terabytes of hard drive space, so plans to keep deleting minimal.
Bandwidth is "unlimited" (not limited), unless the hosted file causes a
degraded hosting service to other users. There is no registration
required, and the simple file upload form is on their home page.

( Rating: 9.48 | Votes: 71 | Hits: 10,265 | Added: Oct 24, 2005 )

- "Files Point" is a simple free file hosting service which allows
files up to 250mb per file to be uploaded and hosted for free on their
multiple dedicated servers network. Options include ability to send a
file to your friends (enter a recipient email address), and add file
descriptions. The file download linkcode goes to a webpage with a
5-seconds delaycounter, after which the hosted file can be downloaded.
All filetypes (file extensions) are allowed except a few for obvious
security reasons: php, asp, htm, html, htaccess, sql, php3. Hosted
files remain on the servers forever unless they are not
accessed/downloaded for a period of 30 days, or violates their terms of
service. Allows unlimited downloads/uploads, and has a live support
(chat). The free file web hosting service is powered by SendScript Pro
script from sendscript.com.

( Rating: 9.47 | Votes: 117 | Hits: 7,145 | Added: Apr 6, 2006 )

- Data File Host feaures free file sharing services with no
registration needed (anonymous uploading free), and all file types
supported. The maximum file size allowed is 10MB (10 MB per file).
There is no limit on bandwidth or number of downloads allowed
(unlimited bandwidth). Inactive files (no downloads) are deleted from
the DataFileHost free servers after 30 days. There is a stats counter
on the file download page to show how many times the hosted file was
downloaded. There are no hosting restrictions such as a limited number
of simultaneous downloads or limited file download speed.


- HotlinkFiles.com is a free file hosting provider dedicated to
providing reliable free filehosting with direct linking files allowed.
You can upload, store, and hot-link videos, photos and pictures, music
clips, audio files, and more (all filetypes allowed), and stream audio
and video files for MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, blogs, and other
websites. Registering is optional (though required for uploading and
hot-linking non-image files). The free filehost registered accounts
have a 50 MB maximum upload file size for all file extensions, and the
anonymous uploader form allows a max file size of 5 MB, but only allows
uploading and hotlinking images. You can upload a zip file of images to
be unzipped on the web server so they can be hotlinked separately.
Registration allows you to upload all other file types and easily
manage and track all of your files stored on the host server.
Registered members can also create hidden/private/public folders, and
get 1000 MB file storage space and 8000 MB monthly bandwidth limit.
Registered account users can delete files through the management
system, but publicly uploaded images cannot be deleted by users. They
will store the hosted files indefinitely (forever).

( Rating: 9.44 | Votes: 27 | Hits: 9,295 | Added: Apr 17, 2007 )

- File Crunch offers completely free file hosting and storage service
for you to upload videos, audios, photos, documents, or any other type
of files to share online with others. There is a filesize limit of
250MB for each file, but files larger than 250 MB can be split it into
smaller parts by using WinRar or other file splitter program, and
uploaded in parts. Unlimited downloads are allowed for hosted files,
and you can upload an unlimited number of files. All file extensions
accepted, and there is a upload progress bar to track upload status.
You can add comments and a file description to the uploaded files.
Hosted files on the free file sharing server will be removed
automatically if there is no download for 30 days. The FileCrunch free
file host service will auto generate BBCodes and HTML links for you
after the upload. You can upload anonymosusly, or optionally register
at no cost. Only registered members can access the file management
system, which helps you never lose the links to your files again, and
there is an option to delete your files at any time. You get 1 credit
for each upload/download, and after you accumulate 3000 credits, that
earns you one month of Premium filehosting membership for free.
Although all filetypes can be uploaded to the servers, the uploaded
files are renamed when storing in the servers because of security
issues (so have a different file extension). Files will be deleted
automatically if there is no download for 30 days from the webservers.
The file download landing page has a hits counter (shows the number of
downloads) and a 20-seconds delay counter which must count down before
the user can begin dowloading the desired file.

( Rating: 9.43 | Votes: 46 | Hits: 6,513 | Added: Oct 29, 2006 )

- This is a free file web hosting website for uploading and sharing
files free across the Internet, with a maximum file size of 25
Megabytes (25 MB). A hosted file will be saved on their web server for
1 year. There are no bandwidth limits, no storage space limits
("unlimited" disk space), and no file types limits (you can upload
videos, audios, images, and other filetypes, and download the files
with the provided download page link). The file upload / download
process is very simple, and does not require registration. You can
download files with download managers such as Reget, FlashGet, and
GetRight in several threads for faster downloads, although their FAQ
says you cannot resume downloads that were broken.

( Rating: 9.40 | Votes: 5 | Hits: 1,779 | Added: Sep 7, 2006 )

- Giga Files provides free filehosting services with 5GB storage disk
space, 5 GB monthly bandwidth, and 20 MB maximum file size.
Registration is required to use the free file hosting service, and has
instant activation. These filetypes are allowed to be uploaded: jpg,
jpeg, png, gif, bmp, txt, pdf, zip, rar, avi, mpg, ppt, tar, mov, tif,
tiff. Hotlinking images is allowed (direct linking the remotely hosted
images). You can upload multiple files at a time, and resize your
hosted images online after they are uploaded, and delete or rename
them. Your image file folders can be made to be public or private
access only. GigaFiles is powered by Uploader v6.1 script by Celeron

( Rating: 9.39 | Votes: 41 | Hits: 11,545 | Added: Sep 21, 2006 )

- "Big Disk" is a free file uploading site allowing file uploads
(videos, audios, Flash, photos, etc.) up to maximum 200 MB filesize.
The web-based form allows uploading a file from your computer, or by
entering a URL where the file is already hosted elsewhere. Your
freehosted files will be stored on their webservers as long as they are
downloaded at least once every 2 weeks (14 days). You can optionally
have the download links emailed to you or someone else. The
freefilehosting service is powered by the Mini File Host script by
"Galaxy Scripts" (MiniFileHost.co.nr), and is set to require password
protection for the hosted file (you must create a password when you
upload the files). The download link goes to a web page requesting a
password, and then a second page with a 15-second delay counter before
the downloading can begin. There is a download counter to display the
number of times each file was downloaded, with other stats such as its
file bandwidth used. Only these file types are allowed: txt, gif, jpg,
jpeg, png, bmp, zip, rar, avi, mpg, mpeg, wmv, tar, swf, pdf, mov, doc,
rtf, pdf, mp3, wav, 3gp.

( Rating: 9.33 | Votes: 12 | Hits: 3,029 | Added: Nov 14, 2006 )

- "Free File Hosting .org" offers an easy-to-use service which allows
you to upload and share images and files such as movie clips, Adobe
Acrobat files, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, text, and Excel documents
with family and friends online. You can register for a free account and
get 50 MB of disk space with no file size limit and 5 GB of monthly
bandwith. Accounts allow you to organize your files in folders and
resize images. Using the anonymous "Quick File Upload", you can also
upload multiple files and images, each up to 5 MB in size with
unmetered bandwidth (subject to fair usage) without registering for an
account. You can hotlink image thumbnails automatically created of your
uploaded pictures (choose thumbnail size up to 220 x 300 pixels).
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, txt, wmv, avi, pdf, doc,
xls, ppt, mpg, mpeg, and mov. Unused files are deleted after 60 days.
Files you upload on the "Quick File Upload" page will not be added to
your registered account, even if you are logged in. If you want to
upload files to your account, use the File Upload function instead. If
you want to upload many files at once, you can use the Batch Upload
feature -- simply upload a Zip file (must be named "upload.zip" or
"batch.zip") containing all your files.

( Rating: 9.17 | Votes: 75 | Hits: 23,572 | Added: Mar 3, 2006 )

iHud -
iHud is a free file hosting service powered by the same dedicated
server network systems as PhotoJerk. The service boasts "unlimited
bandwidth", and a 50mb per file limit (split archives allowed). No file
types are banned. Files can be removed upon request of the copyright
owner etc. iHud deletes inactive files after 30 days (files which have
not been downloaded in 30 days). It provides a link to a page where the
download can be downloaded. There is no queueing, forced clicking,
popups, javascript adverts, waits, etc. Also no download-per-user
limits, no downloads-per-day limit, and no maximum quota limit.

( Rating: 9.15 | Votes: 48 | Hits: 15,456 | Added: Sep 26, 2005 )

- "Upload Line" is a free filehoster service which does not need
registration to use. You can anonymously upload files up to 1024 mb (1
GB) from their freefilehost homepage. It allows unlimited downloads and
uploads (unmetered bandwidth). They claim their free file hosting
network is currently powered by fast, multiple load-balanced dedicated
servers, each on 100mbps ports. Hosted files are only deleted from the
dedicated webservers if the file is not accessed for over 30 days, or
if the uploader uses the unique delete link that is created and given
to the user after uploading files. All file extensions and filetypes
are allowed to be uploaded and hosted except those that might contain
web scripts such as php, cgi, htaccess, pl, com, scr, htm, and html
files (for security reasons). The download page does not currently have
a delay link before the file download can start. There is a file upload
progress bar so you can monitor your files upload status. It shows a
graphical bar with the percent left to be uploaded, current position
(number of kilobytes uploaded so far, and total filesize to upload),
elapsed time since the uploading began, estimated upload time
remaining, and the estimated file upload speed. Uploadline has a news
page for server status info, a support forum, and a contact email
address posted on every page. You can upgrade to "premium" paid hosting
accounts, which have more features, such as ftp file fetching, URL
upload of files, and allowing all file types uploaded.

( Rating: 9.11 | Votes: 38 | Hits: 5,196 | Added: Nov 21, 2006 )

- "File Monster" is a free filehosting service allowing anonymous guest
uploads of up to 250 MB ("monster-sized" files) to their servers. There
are no upload limits, no download limits, unlimited bandwidth, and
virtually all filetypes permitted. You can upload files in four
different ways: web-based form, Flash uploader, URL copier (also
requires browser Flash plugin), and FTP upload (premium users only).
The anonymous uploads not downloaded or accessed in 30 days will be
deleted from the web server. Free registration is available for users
wanting extra features and privledges. The premium hosting accounts
support file download accelerators such as Speedget, Download
Accelerator Plus, GetRight, GoZilla, and FlashGet. For free hosting
accounts, the download link goes to a web page with a short 3-digit
captcha, and then another webpage with a 15-second delay counter.

( Rating: 9.00 | Votes: 9 | Hits: 1,462 | Added: Nov 17, 2006 )

- "Keep My File .com" is a free file hosting service with "unlimited
bandwidth" for online sharing of pictures/photos, videos, audios,
documents, and more. Uploaded files (other than images) may have a
maximum size of 20 MB each, and uploaded images may have a size up to
2.5 MB. Each file must have unique content (no split files allowed).
After uploading the file to their dedicated linux server you will
receive a download code/link, and thumbnail code in HTML and BB-code
(gif/jpg files only). Allows uploading files of the following
filetypes: 3gp, asf, ast, avi, bin, bmp, cat, com, doc, dt, eml, eps,
exe, gif, gt, htm, jar, jpe, jpg, mov, mp3, mpg, peg, png, pps, ppt,
ps, rar, rm, rtf, swf, tar, txt, w3d, wav, wma, wmv, xls, zip.
Currently uploaded files remain on the server for 30 days or more (as
long as their hard drives are not full, nothing gets deleted). You do
not need to register in order to share your file with other people. If
you do register (free), you can upload up to 60 pictures at once (the
images must be in a ZIP-file; the server will extract them, processes
them, and give you all the codes back at once), do image tagging, and
use a personal file browser (this function lists all files that have
been uploaded with your account and the according codes: BB, HTML,
thumbnail). HTML source code and BBCode is provided for hotlinking
thumbnails created of uploaded images. Features a public video gallery
and image gallery. You can suggest a video be added to the public
gallery by uploading a MPG, MPEG, AVI, or WMV video file with a file
size up to 4MB, and then clicking "gallerize" button. NOTE: some public
pictures, videos, and ads on this site may be offensive.

( Rating: 8.93 | Votes: 28 | Hits: 12,291 | Added: Nov 6, 2005 )

- "File High" allows free image hosting and free video hosting in which
you can remove or change your uploaded images at any time. Hotlinking
is allowed, so you can direct link to images stored on their server
from anywhere on the web, such as auctions, forums, blogs, your own
website, etc. Signup (free) is required for the free file hosting
service. Users can add titles and descriptions to their images and
create folders and public photo galleries to store them in. Users of
free hosting accounts get 100 Mb of online storage space for uploaded
videos and pictures files, 5Gb of bandwidth per month, and a maximum
file size of 512 Kb for images (maximum video size is 2 Mb). Supported
image file formats: jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, png, tif, tiff, cur, ani. Also
hosts video files free with these video file extensions: wmv, avi, mpg,
mpeg, mov, asf, asx. For free videohosting accounts, hosted videos must
be viewed on one of their web pages using an embedded player (streamed
video). The paid accounts also give a URL for the video downloads or
embedding videos somewhere else. Accounts may only be held by
individuals over the age of 18. All individuals are allowed only one
account. Has a revenue sharing program where you can display your
Google AdSense ads on their web site - 1 impression for every 3
impressions generated. They also have a paid hosting plan for more

( Rating: 8.87 | Votes: 31 | Hits: 35,552 | Added: Nov 24, 2004 )

- Fast-Files.com is a free files hosting server allowing easy,
anonymous uploading of any files up to a maximum file size of 500 MB
(no login required). There is a box beneath the file uploader that has
an upload progress bar which will show the upload time elapsed and
estimated time remaining to finish uploading (useful for large files).
All file extensions are allowed, and the free file host allows
unlimited bandwidth and unlimited downloads. It features an AJAX upload
form which updates dynamically, so the web site will not ever timeout
if you are on a slow connection uploading. Hosted files will not be
deleted until the web hosting server becomes full (the server disk
drives currently have about 1.5 terabytes of file storage space), and
then files will be deleted by priority as new files come in (the oldest
files with the fewest downloads get deleted first). Files which are
downloaded regularly never get deleted from the webserver. On the file
download page, you have to enter a captcha code and then wait for a
20-seconds delay counter before you can download the file.

( Rating: 8.82 | Votes: 11 | Hits: 1,728 | Added: Apr 16, 2007 )

- "Free File Host" is a free file sharing service site where you can
upload videos, audios, photos, and other filetypes up to 500 MB each.
Registration on the free filehost is optional. If you use it for free
video hosting, it has an embedded video play so you can watch videos or
play MP3s on the video download pages. The download speeds are
unrestricted. The free filesharing web servers let you host up to 500
megabytes of any type of file, and your hosted file will be on their
webservers for at least 30 days (usually longer). You can also send
your download links to friends via emails by giving the email addresses
in the file upload form. There is no bandwidth limit and no download
limit -- they do not remove the uploaded files from the web server
regardless of how much traffic they receive. The file download webpage
has a 30-second delay counter before the file download can begin. The
free filehosting services are powered by the "Easy File Share" script
from PeerGoal.com.

( Rating: 8.67 | Votes: 15 | Hits: 7,579 | Added: Oct 23, 2006 )

- "File Nanny" provides free file hosting services for sharing files on
social networking websites, eBay auctions, blogs, message boards, and
other web sites. The free file host allows hotlinking files, and has
optional registration for more features. The anonymous uploader form
(unregistered uploading) lets visitors upload video, audio, text, and
image files up to 10 MB maximum size with these file extensions: jpeg,
jpg, png, gif, bmp, mp3, txt, avi, mpg, mov (hot linking allowed).
After uploading files, you are given several link codes: direct link
URL, HTML image tag, HTML direct link, and IMG BB code for posting on
forums. You can freely register to upload larger files of any type (no
file type restrictions). A registered filehosting account is allowed to
use up to 500 MB storage space, and registered users can upload any
kind of files as large as the available file storage space in their
account. Unregistered users may use up to 160 MB per day (data transfer
limit), and the bandwidth limit for registered users is 5000 MB per
month (5 GB monthly).

( Rating: 8.60 | Votes: 15 | Hits: 5,249 | Added: May 21, 2007 )

- Host-A is a free file hosting service for anybody who wants to upload
their files or content for public exhibition or private downloading.
The free file uploader accepts all file types (games, songs, audios,
photos, videos, compressed archive files, etc.), and hosted files are
kept until the user removes them. In order to use the free file host,
registration is required (instant activation), and uses are given 20 mb
of free file storage space to upload files to, and a subfolder URL
which lists their public files that can be downloaded. You are given
550 MB of bandwidth/month, but can earn more by using their referral
system -- for each user you refer to Host-A, you will earn 100 MB of
additional bandwidth; also if a user views your profile page or
downloads a file from your free hosting account, and signs up
afterwards, you are credited for that. You can upload up to 10 files at
once, and mark them as private or public. Hosted files have download
counters to record the number of file downloads (you cannot direct link
the hosted file though). Account add-ons (upgrade) are available via

( Rating: 8.60 | Votes: 5 | Hits: 5,156 | Added: Oct 6, 2006 )

- This free file hosting site lets you upload a file and have the
download URL emailed up to 5 email addresses. The download link will
only work for 30 days after it is sent, the download page has a short
4-second delay counter before downloading the file can begin, and each
download URL will only work once (i.e. each email address sent a link
can download the file once). Non-registered users can upload big files
up to 100 MB in file size, and the filesize limit for registered users
is 250 MB per file. Almost all filetypes allowed; File types not
permitted are: .exe, .php, .html. You can send the file download URL to
multiple email adresses by separating the addresses by a semicolon
(";") on the upload form. Free registration will give you an account
with more features, larger size limits, and better tracking
statsistics. Possibly useful as an alternative to sending large email
attachments, or you only want your file downloaded once by a person, or
up to 5 people.

( Rating: 8.33 | Votes: 9 | Hits: 2,912 | Added: May 1, 2006 )

- "File Xoom" provides free file hosting and image hosting services,
hosted on a network of several high performance Pentium 4, Linux
servers. You get 2 GB (2048 MB) of file storage space, 100 mb file
sizes, and 5 GB per month bandwidth. Files are kept on the server
indefinitely. You can upload several files at a time, and there is a
batch uploading files feature (via a ZIP file) available if you want to
upload several files at once (by uploading a single Zip archive of your
files) instead of selecting each file name separately. You must check
the "Extract Zip files" option on their upload form for the uploader to
extract all the files inside the Zip file you upload (or else it will
be hosted as a single ZIP file). You can use this free filehosting
service for uploading and hosting mp3 files, videos, audios, pictures,
Flash, text files, and more -- the uploader accepts all file types
except for a few such as php, html, xml, asp, and exe. Direct linking
(hot-linking) the hosted files is allowed. Free sign-up is required
(the "Public Uploading" uploader is currently disabled). The free file
sharing service is powered by the mysql version of Uploader v6.2
CeleronDude script.

( Rating: 8.25 | Votes: 40 | Hits: 21,874 | Added: May 21, 2006 )

- On this free file hosting site's browser-based file upload form, you
can optionally enter a file description, a download password (for
password-protected downloads), your email address, and up to 1000
recipients email addresses. After uploading your file, you are given a
download link and another link to optionally delete the hosted file
from their server. Currently the download method is rather complicated.
After clicking the link, you must first enter a short captcha code (3
numbers shown in the image). On the next page there is a 15-second
delay counter. When that finishes a link appears that you can click to
finally begin file downloading. The free hosting plan has a 150 MB
filesize limit, and a maximum of 2 parallel downloads allowed. Supports
download-accelerators (such as FlashGet, Speedget, Download Accelerator
Plus, GetRight, and GoZilla), but you can only resume broken downloads
with the paid filehosting plan. Their site has online English, German,
and Italian language translations available, and also a paid hosting
plan for more features (such as URL upload and FTP uploading) and
larger limits.

( Rating: 7.54 | Votes: 57 | Hits: 2,521 | Added: May 1, 2006 )

- "Sleek Files .com" is a web-based free file hosting system, almost
identical to its sister site, iBigFiles.com. You can upload files and
have the download link emailed to a maximum of 10 e-mail addresses. The
download URL will be active for 30 days after the email is sent, and
each download link will only work one time. The download page has a
4-second delay counter before the file download can start. For
unregistered users, the filesize limit is 100 MB. For registered users
(free signup), the file size limitation is 250 MB per file, there is a
control panel for online file management, including an email resend
option and file password-protection option, and a maximum of 50
downloads per file. Maybe useful as an alternative to sending large
files as email attachments, or if you only want your files downloaded
once for some reason.

( Rating: 7.29 | Votes: 7 | Hits: 1,002 | Added: May 1, 2006 )

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