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Do Follow Social Bookmarking Websites for Worth a Link

Berikut ini adalah beberapa web 2.0 untuk tujuan Social Bookmarks yang "saya kira" dapat dipertimbangkan untuk keperluan mendapatkan link,

With Web2.0 in demand Social Bookmarking websites are becoming popular day by day. These sites are not only useful for getting some additional traffic on your website but are also useful in getting some good deep backlinks for your website or blog. With the help of these sites its quite easy to get targeted traffic and a good rank in Google.

Here is my collection of some dofollow social bookmarking websites which really worth having a link.

  1. Digg – This is one of my favorite.
  2. StumbleUpon – Believe me this is the site which can boost your traffic upto 10k+ within 24 hours.
  3. Del.icio.us – This is one of the most popular social bookmarking site.
  4. Reddit – This is again one of the popular one.
  5. Simpy – This is nice and have dofollow tags. So really worth having a link.
  6. IndianPad – With dofollow links a great place to get backlinks.
  7. Propeller – From netscape.com with dofollow links.
  8. Sphinn – This is a great place to share your article if u have Search Engines related website or blog.
  9. Search All In One – This is a dofollow social bookmarking website. Good for backlink purpose.

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani