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Emoticons For Facebook Chat

New emoticon! <(")= Penguin

Hello friends, there is a new smiley - emoticon for facebook chat !! :<(")=Penguin. Like the last time the new one is an animal. The last time the shark was the last published. (^^^) = Shark

For the complete list of emoticons for facebook chat CLICK HERE:

Here is our version of penguins made with facebook symbols

Penguins made with facebook symbols:


Penguin baby:


Penguin eating fish

(o< <º))))><

What other surprises and new emoticons facebook bring us next?

Will be more animals? ....

What do you think? ,

Don't forget to be aware here of these and other updates. There are always new cool shapes, symbols, ASCII art shapes and more surprises for you!

Enjoy them!

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani