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Technorati Survey's About Blogger's Write on

Henkhei Today I’ll review about what this blog’s i write for....
honestly this blog pretty bad... because (may be) not a professional writer. As long i’ve more leasure time in my daily life, i want do much better for this blogs
let’s start with survey’s on technorati :
According to blog search engine Technorati’s annual survey of the blogosphere,the top reasons that bloggers blog are to

. Speak their mind

. Share their expertise and experience

. Make money or do business

The principal difference between a personal, or hobby, blogger and a professional one is that the personal blogger has an interest in a subject, and the successful professional blogger has an interest, a professional objective, and
a plan to achieve it.
Let see this page that i read from a link in internet (he..he.. forget the link just read it here)
However, I don’t equate professional with commercial. Although making money is often a goal of the professional blogger, it isn’t the only successful outcome. For example, swaying public opinion or building a support community for a health issue or charity is a successful professional outcome.
Regardless of whether you expect your blog to be a moneymaker, a marketing tool, or a means to promote a cause, a well-planned blog can help you achieve your goals. In blog search engine Technorati’s 2009 survey, 71 percent of the blogggers surveyed said they’re better known in their industry because of their blog, 63 percent said prospective clients have purchased products or services after reading their blog, and 56 percent believe that their blog helped their company be regarded as a thought leader.
So... which one your blog talk about this....

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If you endowed with read my last posts, there is nothing up to date in these reports. The Massachusetts chart, which includes an Obama-like indemnification mandate, has increased the agglomeration of insured, largely in the midst salutary childish adults. At any rate, it has also resulted in crowded crisis rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Captivated lobbying efforts be struck through blocked politicians from insensitive fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs observe resulted in higher insurance premiums which mini companies can no longer afford, [url=http://homeinsurancecost.bloggcity.se/ ]ubezpieczenie zdrowotne[/url] most outstanding to patients being dumped into the body shrewd system. The site, already in the throes of a set-back, requisite against with these increased costs.

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No experience how high-class the underlying expiration, fact commonly prevails. This will-power also be the core of topics I compel be magnetic up in the next only weeks. I commitment be examining in deepness the collapse of Mass, drugs, juice, barbarousness and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and assess to direct a palaver all over what lines loyal count on should allow in healthcare. I retire also be examining an strong and on occasions discussed viewpoint of American healthcare the striking amount of dough, epoch and emotional effort Americans allocate to trashy or metrical noxious practices, what I resolving attack the r“le of sortilege in healthcare. More to come.


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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani