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Twitter Top Mobile Applications

Miniblogging tools
like Twitter are growing like mushrooms, but despite some strong
newcomers in this space over the last few weeks, Twitter is still the
leader when it comes to mobile. And although Twitter works great
through SMS, there are a large number of mobile applications that let
you save on SMS bills and get the best from Twitter on your phone: here
are the 12 that stand out.



is a well known mobile application that not only lets you easily
communicate with all your Skype, MSN Messenger, Google Talk and regular
phone contacts, but also with your Twitter friends from one, integrated
contact list. You can save on your SMS bill, since Fring works with
Wi-Fi or your fixed data plan.



is a Java application that you can install on your phone. It allows you
to send Twitter updates using your phone without having to send SMSs.
You can also view your timeline, your friends’ timelines, public and
featured timelines. Jtwitter only refreshes when you request it to, so
you can set it to download data according to your needs. To download
Jtwitter you just need to go www.jtwitter.com/wap using your phone web
browser and the app will install automatically.



produces a lot of widgets that work together and are based on mash ups
of web services. The mobile application GetMobio allows you to view all
your Twitter updates in one place, separate and apart from your text
messages. You can publish an update to your public Twitter timeline, get
updates from your friends and track the public Twitter timeline. It
works on most of the popular phones.

Abiro Jitter


Abiro Jitter
(which stands for “Java Twitter”) is a tiny Twitter client for mobile
phones. You can list messages or users, view friends, public and user
timelines and send direct messages. Abiro Jitter supports all
languages, but your phone needs to support fonts that include local
characters and symbols. Jitter communicates directly with the Twitter
server, increasing performance and reliability.



by MadPilot allows you to download public and private tweets to your
phone and post updates. All you need is a Java J2ME enabled mobile.
Unlike SMS, which can bombard you, you can choose when to receive
Tweets. Plus, a very nice feature gives you the ability to close
Twitteresce and leave it in the background; it will then pop up and
alert you when you have a new tweet.



is a web app that you can easily install on your mobile phone and which
will let you use Twitter while on the go. You need to register for the
website in order to receive the download link. Cellity makes it easy for
you to invite your friends to use Twitter, since you can do it from
within the application itself.



is another application that allows you to bring all the best web apps
to your phone and never miss a twit. You can send and receive direct
messages and browse into a user’s timeline from another timeline. You
also can set Jargon to automatically or manually refresh data. When
updating your IM status message in Jargong, the status message in
Twitter can automatically be updated.



is a mobile client for posting updates to Twitter that works only on
the Blackberry (hence the name). TwitterBerry quickly lets you post
twits to the Twitter website, without loading the XHTML form in your
browser. Besides posting new twits, you can view your friend’s timeline
or the public timeline. The timelines show the user’s icon, the message
and the username.



produces a series of mobile apps, including one that brings Twitter to
you phone. You are allowed to post GPS enabled twits because the
application automatically checks the zip code of your current location
and memorizes it. Moreover, your friends can see both desktop and mobile
map views of your twits.



is another cool application that you can use to send your twits from
your mobile device, but this one is specially made for the Palm OS Treo
and Palm OS PDA. It includes shortcuts that easily open the more common
Twitter pages in your mobile web browser. In short, it optimizes
Twitter for the Treo.



is a Twitter client application for the Nokia N95. In addition to some
basic Twitter functionality, it can leverage the built-in GPS of the N95
to add your current position to a twit. The position can then be
automatically displayed by Twittervision and Twittermap.

Tiny Twitter


Tiny Twitter
is a mobile application that works on any Java enabled device and any
Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Smartphone. You can send direct twits to any
of your friends and hide twits from specific users (which will not be
deleted from your message stream). Additionally, you can set the
automatic update interval to whatever you prefer to keep your friends’
timeline fresh.

Source : www.mashable.com

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani