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Useful android application; recommended

general applications recommended:
* Asistenapn: Useful for setting
apn wide range of providers in
Indonesia. Suitable for crazy
* Apndroid: Allows you to switch
on / off gsm internet connection.
* Absolute root system tools: For
change the font and boot animation
with ease. Must be root!
* Documents2go: Application reader
+ Editor for files word, excel, pdf,
and powerpoint.
* Camera360ultimate: Recommended
app for the likes hunting.
* Ng cache cleaner: For
cache2 remove useless reply,
imaginable in the internal memory and
MicroSD. Must be root!
* Adwlauncherex: One
homelauncher alternative
a myriad of cool features.
* Launcherpro plus: One of the
homelauncher alternative to the feature
special dock customization. Sainganberat adwlauncherex.
* Desktopvisualizer (DVR): For
customize the app icon imaginable in
* Folderorganizer: To divide
based application folder / category
particular. Combine with dvr and
adw / launcherpro to view
Lil `G which is very cool.
* Universalandroot: To me the root-
and unroot Lil `G with one click.
* Titanium backup: For
backing up the system and user apps
+ Data to the microSD. Must be root!
* Barcode scanner: To re-scan
qr barcode and code.
* Dropbox: agan2 necessarily know what
point in this application .. hehehe
* Rss reader: It is very useful for
agan2 crazy and subscribe
read rss feeds. Support
google reader.
* Root Explorer: To access the files
imaginable in the system as well as microSD
* Opera Mini 5.1: Alternative Browser
lightweight and reliable
* Astro file manager: File manager
* Skyfire: Browser alternative
flash support
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani