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Web Development Tools in Linux

Web Development Tools in Linux

Switching to Linux is one great move, but sometimes as a web developer who familiar with GUI, you’ll find hard to find your tools. So here some GUI tools that can help you. It’s not complete list, but I’ll keep adding tools when I find them useful for web developer.

Text Editor

General text editor, with code highlighting capability, suitable for you who prefer light editor.

HTML Editor

If you need HTML editor, linux have some.


For anyone who need full IDE, you can find these tools help you.

Diff/Merge tools

Sometimes you need to use diff/merge tool to compare or to merge your version with other version.

Database Manager

Version Control FrontEnd

As in Linux most of programmer use command line version, but you’ll find this frontend nice to have tool.


When you need to use transfer file through ftp protocol, you’ll need one of these programs.

Did I miss something? or if you know some tools in linux that help you as web developer, just let me know.

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani