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Android Emulation Quick Guide

Running an Android emulator on your computer is pretty simple. You probably need to make sure you have JDK first. First off, download the Android SDK from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Select at least: Android SDK Tools an Android Version its SDK Platform & its ARM EABI System Image Then simply extract it (check the compression quick guide) Now, from a terminal, cd into the android folder and into the tools directory and run "android": cd /tools/ ./android This will run the SDK Manager. Choose an Android version and install it's packages. When done, you'll need to create an Android Virtual Device. First run: ./android list to see available system image targets. Note the id you want (it might probably be "1" at this point). Then run: ./android create avd -n -t (e.g: ./android create avd -n myPhone -t 1 ) It will ask if you want to create a custom hardware profile. Unless you want to, you may choose the default [no]. Now you've created an AVD. If you want to tweak some things like give it some space to use as an SD card for apps, run: ./android avd This'll run the AVD Manager, and you can use the "Edit" button on your AVD here. Now, to run your AVD, run: ./emulator -avd It might take a couple of minutes to boot for the first time. And that's it; you now have an Android emulator!

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani