SearchEngineNews - Basic Boot Camp Training
SearchEngineNews - Basic Boot Camp
English + 4 PDF + 4 MP3 + 4 MP4 + 382 MB
Any single aspect of SEO, Social Media, Mobile Search, Local Search or PPC can be confusing enough.
Trying to synchronize them all can make heads explode!
... but it doesn't have to be that way
Ironically, it's the complexity that gives you an advantage. Remember, if it were easy, anyone could do it. But because it's complex, you can soar where others crash and burn. But you DO have to understand the complexities. This is where The Basic SEO Bootcamp comes to the rescue.
Simply put, this is a crash course in all things search. It's purpose is to bring you completely up to speed ... ready to SEO a Web site's presence with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing exactly what your doing ...
What will you learn?
You'll learn to think like a search engine in relationship to:
* Order of Importance
* Spiders, Crawlers and Bots
* Discovery Process
* Seed Sets
* Link Structure
You'll learn the role and importance of the various Types of Search Results
* Personalization
* Images
* Video
* Local
* News
* Shopping
* Instant Answers
* Real Time
* Socia
* Organic
* Paid Ads
* QDF (Query Deserves Freshness)
* QDD (Query Deserves Diversity)
* Trending Topics
* Product RelatedQueries
You'll learn Keyword Research made easy
* Finding Your Most Valuable Keywords
* Determining Search Volume
* Keyword Competition
* Long Tail Keywords
* Keyword Research Tools and Processes
You'll learn to recognize and prioritize the Internal Ranking Factors
* Title Tag
* Domain Names
* Headline Tags
* Link Anchor Text
* Page Content
* Directory and File Names
* Image Alt Text and File Names
* Unique Content
* Freshness
* Update Frequency
* How Page Rank Flows
* Spider Friendly Architecture
* Dynamic vs Static URLs
* XML Sitemaps
* Blocking Robots
* Redirects
* Duplicate Content
You'll learn to recognize and prioritize the External Ranking Factors
* Trust & Authority
* Link Popularity
* Anchor Text
* Geo-Targeting Factors
* Traffic and CTR Signals
* Social Media
* Citations
You'll learn to recognize and prioritize the Negative Ranking Factors
* Malware and Site Infections
* Paid Link Penalties
* Link Devaluation
* Over Optimization
* Site Downtime
* Hidden Text
You'll learn how to maximize the efficiency of Link Building
* Linking Basics
* Anchor Text
* Trust Rank and Authority
* PageRank
* Unique Domains vs Total Volume
* Getting the most value from a link
* Improving Indexation
*What to avoid
* Hyperlocal Links
* Link Development
* Paid Links
And, you'll learn the essential basics of Tracking and Analytics
* Overview
* Metrics to track
* Resources