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Situs-situs yang menyediakan VPS Gratis

Postingan sebelumnya tentang VPS Gratis 2 tahun ternyata ada sayaratnya :(, silahkan dibaca. Bagi kalian yang ingin belajar membuat VPS sendiri, dibawah ini adalah beberapa situs yang menyediakan VPS trial gratis yang bisa kita gunakan untuk sekedar belajar, lamanya masa trial paling lama 1 tahun. Beberapa situs penyedia VPS dibawah ada yang mengharuskan konfirmasi lewat nomor handphone, ada juga yang harus pakai VCC, dan ada pula yang konfirmasinya lewat email saja.


Silahkan dipilih mana yang masi bisa, soalnya bebrapa site penyedia free VPS Gratis trial dibawah ada yang sudah habis masa promo gratisnya. contoh site yang sudah saya coba yaitu di http://www.vps.me/ yang katanya masa trialnya bisa sampe 1 tahun gan, hehe. silahkan di test gan..

Situs-situs yang menyediakan Free VPS Gratis trial terbaru.

_http://cloudshare.com/Free-Trial-Registration (14 day free trial - recommended)
_https://east1.openhosting.com/accounts/trial/ (5 day free trial)
_http://www.elastichosts.com/cloud-hosting/free-trial (5 day free trial, tricky)
_http://cloudsigma.com/ (7 day free trial)
_http://vexxhost.com/trial/ (7 day free trial)
_http://www.desktone.com/free_trial (7 day free trial)
_http://eurobyte.ru/ (14 day free trial)
_http://www.atum.com/ (15 day free trial)
_http://www.cloudee.eu/preorder (6 day free trial)
_http://www.host1free.com/free-vps/ (Life Time free VPS)
_http://members.host1free.com/vps?ac=h1f_register_vps (Requires a Facebook account)
_http://www.rsaweb.co.za/cloud-servers-free-trial/ (7 day free trial)
_http://www.vps.me/ (Maybe 1 + year requires a mobile number)
_http://www.kimsufi.co.uk/vks/geovks.xml (Maybe 1 + year)
_https://www.digitalocean.com/ (1 day free trial, good)
_https://portal.fengqi.asia/promotion/plan (10 day free trial. Requires a mobile phone)
_https://control.vps.net/trial-signup (1 month free trial, require a mobile phone and facebook account)
_http://10.cloud.ubuntu.com/ (55 minutes free trial)
_http://www.id.daxa.net/EN/form_vps.php (5 day free trial, Promo Code: FREETRIAL)
_http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/pricing/free-trial/ (U need a VCC to activate 90 days trial)
_https://gui.zrh.cloudsigma.com/accounts/signup/ (7 day free trial)
_http://www.ardhosting.com/vps_trial.php (5 day free trial, I think)
_http://www.sublimeip.com/services/cloud/free-trial/ (5 day free trial, requires a mobile phone)
_http://www.javanode.com/javanode/pages/signup.jsf (2 day free trial)
_https://east1.openhosting.com/accounts/trial/ (5 day free trial)
_http://www.triple8.net/vps_trial.htm (7 days free trial)
_http://www.elastichosts.com/cloud-hosting/free-trial (5 day free trial, requires a mobile phone)
_http://www.redpaladin.com/rp-nexus-30-day-free-trial/ (30 day free trial)
_https://east1.openhosting.com/accounts/trial/ (5 days free trails)
_http://www.elastichosts.com/cloud-hosting/free-trial (5 days free trails)
_http://cloudsigma.com/ (7 days free trails)
_http://vexxhost.com/trial/ (7 days free trails)
_http://www.desktone.com/free_trial (7 days free trails)
_http://eurobyte.ru/ (14 days free trails)
_http://www.atum.com/ (15 days free trails)
_http://www.cloudee.eu/preorder (6 days free trails)
_http://www.cloudshare.com/ (14 days free trails) (cloudshare VPS has no internet connection)
_http://www.rsaweb.co.za/cloud-servers-free-trial/ (7 days free trails)
_http://www.vps.me/ (may be for more than one year)
_http://www.kimsufi.co.uk/vks/geovks.xml (VKS) (may be for more than one year)
_http://www.sublimeip.com/services/cloud/free-trial/ (5 days free trails)
_http://www.lionlink.net/lionlink-net...a-vps-request/ (may be for 14 days free trails)
_https://www.gandi.net/hosting/trial (7 days free trails)

Dibawah ini site yang menyediakan free VPS Gratis trial, tapi harus menggunakan VCC

_http://aws.amazon.com/ (for one year)
_https://chunkhost.com/ (14 days free trails)
_http://www.triple8.net/vps.htm (7 days free trails)
_https://www.zunicore.com/ (14 days free trails)
_http://instantappz.com/ (7 days free trails)
_http://www.rsawebcloud.com/ (7 days free trails)
_http://www.dedicatedserver.com/cloud...-promotion.cfm (they will give you $200 to use)
_http://www.gogrid.com/ (VM) (they will give you $100 to use)
_http://www.phoenixnap.com/secured-cloud/ (for one month) (they will give you $50 to use)
_http://www.serverlove.com/free-trial/ (for one month) (they will give you £15 free credit to use)
_https://cloud.atlantic.net/index.php?page=newsignup (for one month) (they will give you $15 free credit to use)
_http://www.softlayer.com/info/special-free-cloud (for one month)

More for VPS Gratis:
_http://www.combell.com/en/servers/vi...ers/free-trial (10 days free trails) (only available in Belgium, The Netherlands and France.)
_http://www.instantappz.com/vps-hosting-plans.php (7 days free trails)
_http://mchost.ru/services/linux-vps/ (10 days free trails)
_http://www.combell.com/en/servers/vi...ers/free-trial (10 days free trails) (only available in Belgium, The Netherlands and France.)

copy paste dari sini : http://phreaktools.blogspot.com/2013/08/situs-situs-yang-menyediakan-free-vps.html

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani