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Google Translate Portable plus Dictionaries

Client for Google Translate PRO v4.5.381 + (Portable and dictionaries)

Yes, right we always see a different language, so i need some refference for knowing some stuff that i could'nt understand. We need a dictionary, and something that handy for us in forms of digital. So, Google has a service callled google translate, and hi there there are Google translate in Portable Forms Application, so i must check some text that's refers to them.

Some are here below

Client for Google Translate - a very convenient and practical program that instantly translates the selected text in the browser window with more than 50 languages. Client for Google Translate works well in Windows applications such as Outlook, MS Word, etc. After installation, you will see an icon Client for Google Translate in the system tray and whenever you want to translate some text, all you have to do is select ( highlight) the text and everything will be translated immediately! Translation can be copied to the clipboard. You can also copy text to the clipboard and vctavit into the box caused by clicking on ikonke programs in the tray.

To translate, just select the text and click the mouse on this icon. Language source code is automatically determined by translation into the language selected as the "native" when you first start the program. In this case, it is possible to rigidly define the direction of translation, open the main window of the translator.

Naturally, the translator works only with an active Internet connection, while consuming a minimum amount of traffic and only during the transfer.

Client for Google Translate will reduce the time spent on the above procedure, an order of magnitude. The utility can be run with Windows and stay in your system tray waiting for a signal to the translation. To activate, provides several different triggers, eg text selection and click on the special pop-up icon - and then in the tooltip appears necessary translation.

The program can also cause double-click on the key Ctrl - as a result there is a special window where you want to enter text. If, before pressing the hot key in the active application has been allocated a piece of text, it will be transferred automatically.

When you first start the utility will ask for preferred language. We recommend to put AutoDetect for the source language, English to Translate to in paragraph If the translation from English, then translated to choose Russian.


• Instant translation of selected text in most programs.

• Support for 51 yazyka, automatic language identification.

• Quick call the interpreter with hot keys.

• "Add a better translation".

• Automatic control of news and updates.

• PRO version gives you quick access to Wikipedia and the ability to install dictionaries XDXF.

About the versions PRO:

- Learn Words

Learner - a gadget to your desktop for efficient learning of foreign words. With it, you'll be able to discreetly replenish your vocabulary.

- Support to Wikipedia

Client for Google Translate Pro will allow you to get definitions of various terms and other useful information from Wikipedia as quickly and simply as a translation of the text. Just select the term and press the icon W. Excerpt from the Wikipedia open in a popup window under the cursor!

- Support for dictionaries XDXF

XDXF (XML Dictionary eXchange Format) - a project that combines all existing open dictionaries.


Russian-English full dictionary (comn_sdict05_rus_eng_full.tar.bz2)

Collegiate Dictionary / FA Brockhaus Efron IA (Comn_sdict05_brokg.tar.bz2)

Dictionary Dal (comn_sdict05_dal.tar.bz2)

English-Russian Business Dictionary (comn_sdict05_eng_rus_bus.tar.bz2)

English-Russian Computer Dictionary (comn_sdict05_eng_rus_comp.tar.bz2)

English-Russian Dictionary of Economics (comn_sdict05_eng_rus_eco.tar.bz2)

German-Russian dictionary (comn_sdict05_german_rus2.tar.bz2)

German-Russian slovar2 (comn_sdict05_german_rus.tar.bz2)

Russian-English dictionary short (comn_sdict_axm05_rus_eng_short.tar.bz2)

Russian-Russian Great Encyclopedic Dictionary (comn_sdict05_rus_bigencdic.tar.bz2)

Big Soviet Encyclopedia (comn_sdict05_rus_bse.tar.bz2)

English-Russian Business Dictionary (comn_sdict05_eng_rus_bus.tar.bz2)

Dictionary Ozhegova (comn_dictd04_ozhegov.tar.bz2)

Swedish-Russian dictionary (comn_dictd04_swedish_sv-ru.tar.bz2)

Great Encyclopedic Dictionary (comn_dictd04_beslov.tar.bz2)

Russian-German phrasebook (comn_sdict_axm05_Russian-German_Phrase_book.tar.bz2)

What's new in v4.5.381?

- Portable version is available;

- Added a PopUp translation via Hot Keys;

- Sticking Ctrl when use Hot Keys is fixed.

Program Information:

Name: Client for Google Translate PRO 4.5.381

Year: 2010

Platform: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, Windows 7

Language: English

Size: 168 + 4.35 Mb

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani