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Softmaker Office v2010 Rev 584 Multilingual


SoftMaker Office - package of office applications.It is composed of TextMaker and PlanMaker, allowing to work with files directly from Microsoft Excel and Word, without prior conversion and with full formatting. The application TextMaker is almost complete analog desktop Word, has features such as multi-lingual spell checker, create footnotes and notes, tables, supporting calculations, tools for creating forms, history and pop-up comments like in Word 2003, and much more. PlanMaker makes working with spreadsheets on the PDA, has more than 320 built-in computing functions, support for complex numbers and array processing, AutoComplete, named ranges and processing module for all sorts of charts and graphs that can display any chart created in Microsoft Excel.

Features TextMaker:

- Exchange files with native TextMaker for Windows, TextMaker for Linux

- Sharing documents TextMaker with Microsoft Word 6.0, 95, 97, 2000, Word XP, Word 2003

- Can work with a large number of additional formats - HTML, RTF, Pocket Word, ASCII, Unicode

- Built-in file manager

- Virtually unlimited undo / redo

- Search and replace text and formatting

- Support for tables

- Sort tables and text

- Settlements in the text and tables

- Underline

- Work with fields such as date, time, page, author, auto numbering

- Inserting special characters

- Bookmarks

- Text shortcuts customizable - write short, we get a long phrase

- TextMaker works with forms - text fields, jackdaws, lists, calculations, etc.

- Formatting characters and paragraphs as in "adult" editors

- Header and footer, translucent backgrounds on each page

- Styles

- Inserting images into documents TextMaker BMP, 2BP, TIFF, PCX, GIF, JPEG, TGA, PNG, PhotoCD, IFF, IMG, PBM, PPM, PGM

- Insert Picture

- Inserting text fields, images, etc.

- Check spelling in many languages (Russian No)

- Generation of tables of contents, indexes

- Footnotes

- Built-in TextMaker dBase-compatible database

- Encryption

- Fully customizable keyboard and control panel

- More


1. SoftMaker Presentations


* All types of formatting

* Transitions and animations

* Design slides and color schemes

* Graphics, figures, background

* All notes and comments

SoftMaker Office for Windows contains:

· Word processor: TextMaker

· Spreadsheet: PlanMaker

· Presentation graphics: SoftMaker Presentations

· BASIC macros: BasicMaker

Anybody had tried this stuff?

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