Step 1
Install xampp, use latest version. After accession there should be a agenda C:\\xampp
In this archetype i use C:\\xampp as absence directory.
Step 2
Check if gd2 is installed, you can do this by application phpinfo() in you script.
Step 3
Download ffmpeg.exe from one of the afterward links:
Step 4
Unpack the downloaded zip or 7z file, three files should appearance up namely ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe, pthreadGC2.dll .
Step 5
Download the ffmpeg windows dll files:
Step 6
Unpack the downloaded zip file, 5 dlls should appearance up namely php_ffmpeg_20050123.dll, php_ffmpeg_20050212.dll, php_ffmpeg_20050618.dll and aswell avcodec.dll and avformat.dll
Step 7
Copy 1 of 3 dlls which you've unpacked in footfall 6 into C:\\xampp\\php\\extensions. Rename the dll to php_ffmpeg.dll
Step 8
Open your php.ini book which you acquisition in C:\\xampp\\php .Add the afterward band to the account with dlls:
Check aswell if extension=php_gd2.dll is uncommented. If not again abolish the ;
Step 9
Copy the avcodec.dll and avformat.dll which you've unpacked in footfall 6 to C:\\WINDOWS\\system32
Step 10
Copy pthreadGC2.dll which was unpacked in footfall 4 to C:\\WINDOWS\\system32
Step 11
Restart xampp
Simple Example
Step 12
Create a agenda in C:\\xampp\\htdocs for archetype\\www
Step 13
Open the httpd.conf file, this one you acquisition in C:\\xampp\\apache\\conf
Add beneath the line
NameVirtualHost localhost:80
the next data
DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs/
Step 14
Find the hosts book on your computer, about in the windows agenda and add the afterward line:
Step 15
Restart xampp
Step 16
Make a php book in the DocumentRoot (C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\\\www) for archetype test.php
Step 17
Add a flv book to the DocumentRoot. In this archetype i alarm it whatever.flv.
Step 18
Copy ffmpeg.exe which you've unpacked in footfall 4 into the DocumentRoot.(C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\\\www)
Step 19
Add the afterward cipher to the test.php file:
$ffmpegpath = "ffmpeg.exe";
$input = 'whatever.flv';
$output = 'whatever.jpg';
if (make_jpg($input, $output)){
echo 'success';
echo 'bah!';
function make_jpg($input, $output, $fromdurasec="01") {
global $ffmpegpath;
if(!file_exists($input)) acknowledgment false;
$command = "$ffmpegpath -i $input -an -ss 00:00:$fromdurasec -r 1 -vframes 1 -f mjpeg -y $output";
@exec( $command, $ret );
if(!file_exists($output)) acknowledgment false;
if(filesize($output)==0) acknowledgment false;
return true;
Step 19
Open the url http:\\\\\\test.php in firefox.