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Javascript Redirect Scripts

Javascript Redirect Scripts

Redirecting a visitor with javascript is pretty straightforward. The simplest way is to use one of the methods below.
Note that in some cases a server-side redirect (i.e. one using a language such as PHP, ASP or Perl) is a better choice, since not all users will have javascript enabled. Search engine spiders are unlikely to follow javascript based redirects.

Location.href Method

<script type="text/javascript">
Including this script on a page will immediately redirect visitors to the URL entered.

Location.replace Method

The difference between location.href and location.replace is that the former will create a new history entry on the visitors computer. This means that if they hit the back button, they can get stuck in a 'redirection loop'. This is usually undesirable and may have unwanted side effects - most pay per click search engines will not allow the submission of URLs that 'break' the back button.
The solution is to use location.replace instead:
<script type="text/javascript">

Conditional Redirects with Javascript

Once you know how to redirect visitors, you can send them to different pages based on a variety of criteria. The example script below will redirect visitors with a resolution of 1024x768 or higher to a different page. Of course, there shouldn't be any reason to do so for most websites, which should work at any screen resolution ;)
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
if ((screen.width>=1024) && (screen.height>=768))


Script #1 – Stealth Redirect

This allows you to redirect a page without telling your visitor, they probably won’t even notice it happen.
    location = "http://beritalagi.in";

Script #2 – Alert Redirect

If you want visitors to know that the page has been moved you could use this script. It uses a JavaScript alert, to tell your visitor that the page has been moved, then when they click OK, their browser is redirected.

    alert("This page has been moved to a new location... click OK to be redirected?");
    location = "http://beritalagi.in";

Script #3 – Confirm Redirect

If you want to give your visitors more control, you can use a confirm dialog. This script gives visitors the option to either be redirected to the new location or go back to the previous page.

    if(confirm("This page has been moved to a new location... would you like to be redirected?"))
        location = "http://i-code.co.uk/index.php";


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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani