I can't suggest you the best screen capture program for Linux, but I have some programs for you to try:
- Vnc2swf (Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, and Windows) is a cross-platform screen recording tool for ShockWave Flash (swf) or Flash Video (flv) format.
- xvidcap (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes / open-source) - a small tool to capture things going on on an X-Windows display to either individual frames or an MPEG video.
- recordMyDesktop (Linux / open-source) produces a file(default out.ogv) that contains a video and audio recording of a linux desktop session. The default behavior of recording is to mark areas that have changed(through libxdamage) and update the frame. This behavior can be changed (option --full-shots ) to produce a more accurate result or capture windows that do not generate events on change (windows with accelerated 3d context), but this will notably increase the workload.
recordMyDesktop doesn't have a commandline interface. - Istanbul (Linux) is a desktop session recorder for the Free Desktop. Istanbul allows to create screenshots and screencasts. It records your session into an Ogg Theora video file. To start the recording, you click on its icon in the notification area. To stop you click its icon again. It works on GNOME, KDE, XFCE and others.
- cpsrecode, capseo and KWin
KWin in KDE 4 offers the possibility to record desktop. The resulting files have a .cps suffix (cps = capseo = video codec created by the same developer as the underlying library called captury.
Record with cpsrecodePlay cps filesCode:cpsrecode -i movie.cps -o - | mencoder - -o screen-capture.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=xvid:autoaspect=1
Code:cpsrecode -i movie.cps -o - | mplayer -
Web-based Freeware screen video capture software for Linux
These online screen recorders require Java 1.5 and a supported web-browser: