Kadangkala walaupun Linux sudah terinstall linux, kita harus menyadari bahwa PERL yang terinstall adalah"edisi standard", untuk it...
Archives for
Fake Code Visitor on Your Web
function randomGen($min, $max) { // setup our seed srand((float) microtime() * 10000000); // Generate the number $rand...
Chat Shoutbox melalui Twitter
Cukup dengan mengunjungi http://jotabl.com sign in dan copy paste script. anda mendapatkan shoutbox. alternatif lain bisa di twitt...
Instalasi Perl Manual dari Source Code
Kadangkala walaupun Linux sudah terinstall linux, kita harus menyadari bahwa PERL yang terinstall adalah"edisi standard", untuk it...
Fundamental using Properties in CSS for HTML
untuk menuliskannya lagi males.. jadi upload pic ajah...
Shell for Update your Tweets (Twitter)
Dengan menggunakan script shell ini mengupdate twitter menjadi gampang dan cepat. Download dan jalankan di shell konsole anda di linux. ...
4KB Downloading for Updating your Status
Download this Bash Script then is easy and fast updating your tweets follow this
Jangan Lupa untuk Reload Synaptic Package (don't forget to reload your Synaptic)
Seperti yang telah sama-sama kita ketahui bahwa cara yang paling mudah untuk melakukan instalasi dan banyak tersedia di lingkungan X-Windo...
Mengganti MAC Address pada Linux
Untuk beberapa alasan privacy dan keamanan sering kali kita perlu mengganti MAC Address, berikut ini screen shot penggantian MAC Address pad...
(another) Simple ping for Your Blog
hei.. everyone here i have good news for you, i found this site for ping services for your blog.. so simple.. sweet... here the screenshot...
9 (nine) Useful Twitter Retweet Button Scripts for Blog
“Eat Twittter, Sleep Twitter! and Now Blog and share now on Twitter”. Find my words lame? Eh! Do you know the fact that Chethstudios has 40...
Click it to Many Blog Ping Webservices
As Someone has suggest me for ping services is only fill your web url than click it. kupikir dengan meng - google aku akan mendapatkan sema...
Hey.. My PClinuxOS has installed NcFTP (ayo explore..) NcFTP - Browser program for the File Transfer Protocol, basicly work on console ...
Web2Py - Web Development Framework written in Python.
Free and open source full-stack enterprise framework for agile development of fast, secure and portable database-driven web-based applicati...
MiniGUI - A compact cross-platform Graphics User Interface support system for real-time embedded systems.
MiniGUI is a GPL'd free software project, led by Beijing Feynman Software Co., Ltd.. It aims to provide a fast, stable, and cross-platfo...
Get Free Backlinks
Here i try something for get free backlinks. First. Join Forums and set up for signature. Two. Join your site to free web Directories Thre...
Tucan Manager - Automatic management of downloads and uploads at hosting sites
Tucan Manager is a free and open source software designed for automatic management of downloads and uploads at hosting sites like rapidsha...
The Smallest Island Laid in Indonesia
Simping Island as known as "Pulau Kelapa Dua" or Twin Coconut Island, geo position in Island Sinka teritory, Singkawang, Borneo (K...
Get Free Submit Directory on This Site
Free Submit Directory found this for Free Submit Directory, thinks for all for free backlinks. I hope this is can raise my alexa ranks. K...
Baru Awan Begitu Saja takut...!
Gimana kalau Allah kalo menunjukkan kebesarannya dalam bentuk yang lebih dari pada itu!
Twitter, Gak Asyik Mas....!
Sebagian yang banyak orang yang menggunakan browsernya untuk mengakses situs jejaring sosial tentu tidaklah asing dengan nama friendster d...
Google Friend Connect
Saya tidak tahu sejak kapan Google mulai membuka fitur atau layanan semacam Mybloglog. Mungkin setelah Yahoo menisbatkan Mybloglog sebagai...
Wget, apaan tuh?
What is Wget.. secara sederhana saya yang sangat awam ini mengatakan, wget tool yang sangat kecil, sederhana tanpa interface grafik (walaup...
Linux Command Shell, Pencarian dengan Find, Praktis!
Pada hari ini, ketika mencari file yang akan saya pergunakan di PClinuxOS, terpikir untuk menggunakan command shell. Karena fasilitas yang d...
101 Linux Hacks Mirror for Free (indonesian)
thanks for sarimingeek.com for providing the mirror for free ebook from Ramesh Natarejan. Why it is free, nothing wrong i think, he..he..h...
Menyembunyikan Navigation Bar pada Blogspot, simple!
simple, login, go to layout and add this code before this tag </head> this is the code : <style type='text/css'> #navb...
Just Trying, Mencoba Menampilkan Javascript di Posting
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var nama_browser= navigator.appName; var versi_browser = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); do...
Me-reinstall Grub or Restoring Grub on PCLinuxOS
me-reinstall grub: beberapa kali dalam melakukan berbagai "percobaan" dengan sistem operasi sering kali secara "tidak senga...
Tak Ada Zebra, Akhirnya Keledai pun Jadi
KOTA GAZA, jalur gaza, Pihak pengelola kebun binatang yang berada di jalur gaza, tidak kehilangan kreatifitas untuk tetap menghadirkan zebra...
Gubrak!!! Ha..ha..ha... Mengamati dan Ngawur!!
Understanding Automatic Door FAIL - Click here for another funny movie.
Sedikit Permasalahan tentang XAMPP di Linux itu.
Terus terang, dalam lingkungan windows untuk membangun website saya lebih menyukai bekerja di windows, karena terus terang portabilitas serv...
Artikel Terpopuler
Despite that at the end of this post you will find a filtered and somehow manually edited list of Pligg-based social bookmarking sites, this...
2016-08-09 18:38:19.0 Guangzhou Int'l Parcel Center received 2016-08-09 18:38:25.0 Guangzhou Int'l Parcel Center customs scan 20...
PicPick is an all-in-one software for software developers, graphic designers and home user. It has an intuitive interface and simple, elega...
It seems the method for us to use is far simpler than my initial impressions - we need only add two small sections of code to our templates ...
Disaat-saat tertentu untuk menghilangkan kejenuhan kadang kala entertain (kesenangan) harus kita upayakan, demikian pula ketika kita berkuta...
Twitter pages have their own google page rank too in Google, so it is important to do that 5 mins drill better utilize your Twitter page.Thi...
About the author henkhei is man in the mirror where you can find everywhere henkhei . he specializes in topics of interest to techno gee...
A tablet PC is a wireless, portable personal computer with a touch screen interface. The tablet form factor is typically smaller than ...
Last month we showed you some of the more popular and useful Adobe AIR applications (see " 6 Adobe AIR Apps to Check Out ...
Henkhei Today I’ll review about what this blog’s i write for.... honestly this blog pretty bad... because (may be) not a professional writ...
Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani