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TekPub - Mastering C# 4.0 with Jon Skeet

TekPub - Mastering C# 4.0 with Jon Skeet (2011)
TekPub - Mastering C# 4.0 with Jon Skeet (2011)
English | Duration: 6h 43m | FLV | 852x480 | 25fps 831kbps | MP3 128kbps | 2.7GB
Genre: eLearning

If you're just learning Microsoft's flagship language - or if you've been at it for years - this production will teach you a lot. Jon Skeet is well-known as the "Chuck Norris" of StackOverflow.com with inhuman skills when it comes to answering questions about C# 4.0. Tap his brain and learn the language like never before with our all-new series.

1 - What's New With 4.0?
In this episode we'll take a quick tour of all the new goodies in C# 4.0 - showing you why you should care about this latest rev of the language. This is a summary episode only - we'll dive deep into each topic later on.
2 - Basics: The Coding Environment
In this episode Jon gives you a quick tour of Visual Studio 2010 - the place where you'll write your code most often. This is a beginner episode, for those who have not worked with Visual Studio before.
3 - Basics: Writing Your First Class
In this episode Jon starts from the ground up - writing a C# class and then testing it with NUnit. Along the way he'll talk about various details related to classes and things to look out for. Even if you're a seasoned C# developer - going over the basics never hurts - and Jon might drop some pearls of wisdom along the way!
4 - Basics: Methods, Constructors, and Exceptions
In this episode Jon covers the actions and behaviours that you can program for a C# Class. This is a beginner's episode, but there is plenty in here for seasoned developers as well.
5 - Basics: Class Properties and Structure
In this episode Jon shows you how to work with Property assignments in C# and how you can set them up to convey specific behaviour of your class. This is a beginner's episode - but there's a lot in here that would make for a good review for any C# developer.
6 - Basics: Integers and Operators
In this episode Jon talks about integers and the different "shades of int" you find in C# 4.0. He also talks about reference vs. value types, and various operators you can use when doing some math in C#.
7 - Decimals and Floating Points
In this episode Jon walks through the various issues you might encounter when dealing with decimals and floating-point numbers. It's not straightforward in C#, and Jon gives you practical advice on when and how to use the various types in C#.
8 - Strings: Equality, Interning, and Concatenation
In this episode (the first of a small series on Strings) Jon takes a look at the beloved, intense, misunderstood and vast System.String class. He'll walk you through Equality - how to tell if a string truly equals another, Interning and if you should care about it, and Concatenation: when do you need a StringBuilder?
9 - String Manipulation
In this episode Jon shows you how to manipulate strings using Substring, IndexOf and Split.
10 - Regular Expressions
In this episode Jon walks you through 3 scenarios where Regular Expressions can help - and also hurt. Simple string replacement and matching, as well as a more complicated example of log parsing.
11 - Encoding
In this episode Jon shows you the various ways that C# represents strings and how you can manipulate encodings.
12 - Cultures
In this ever-so-brief episode Jon shares his experience with "The Turkey Test" - and ways to deal with Cultures and strings. It's short, but it's very valuable.
13 - Dates and Time
In this episode Jon dives deep into Timespan and DateTime - and how the .NET framework designers dealt with the interesting ways that humans deal with time.
14 - Conditions and Loops
In this episode Jon dives into controlling the flow of execution in your application using structures such as if/else, for, while, and break/continue. 

More info:

TekPub - Mastering C# 4.0 with Jon Skeet (2011)


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