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Social Networking for SEO Strategies

You can generate a lot of traffic to your website, with establishing a reputation within your niche through social networking communities.  While this traffic strategy does take a bit of time, you will find it incredibly easy to set up and manage your accounts and campaigns.

There are literally hundreds of different social networking websites available online, with the most popular communities being:

Facebook | Sign Up: http://www.Facebook.com
With Facebook, you can interact with those in your market by adding them as a contact, but you can also generate exposure a number of other ways from within the Facebook community:

Facebook also offers an internal advertising channel, where you can set up PPC or CPC campaigns.
Facebook offers extensive customization options including the ability to define your advertising schedule, as well as target specific segments of your market based on gender, age and even location.

You can create your advertisement by visiting http://www.Facebook.com/advertising
You can also begin generating exposure by creating a “Facebook Fan Page” that allows potential customers and subscribers to join your fan page, and receive instant updates and alerts each time you publish new material to your page.

Ning | Sign Up: http://www.Ning.com
With Ning, you can create your own private or public social network, allowing members to view article content, resources and tools posted to the community channel. You can also limit visibility only to members, encouraging visitors to join your social network prior to gaining full access to your material.

Twitter |  Sign Up: http://www.Twitter.com
Twitter is the leading social network and information portal online.  You can quickly establish an online presence, generate targeted traffic and even build a mailing list by submitting regular broadcasts, growing a following and using free tools including http://www.SocialOomph.com to schedule automated broadcasts that are sent out to everyone who chooses to follow you.

Other Social Networks Include:


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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani