Earn Money Online with Social Bookmarking
Here you can do two great things, create some very quality backlinks and make money with them! All these sites are very good for creating traffic to your website or blog and for SEO. You can create quality backlinks to your articles because all these sites are fully optimized and have high page rank. And beside backlinking you can also monetize these backlinks and make money with promoting your sites! Isn't that great? :) The best way is to write a new summary of 2 to 4 sentences in length, tweak the SEO a little, and get some different long tail keywords.
RedGage RedGage is a website that pays you for your content
Xomba : A Writing Community
She Told Me is She Told Me is a Digg-like with a 100% AdSense Rev
Snipsly | Write Articles & Earn
TipDrop.com - What do you know about that?
PageBump - Article Directory with Adsense Revenue Share
Add Blog Url - Your Source for Social News and Networking
Infopirate.org | Helpful Web Tips and Articles
SmartInfoz | Smart Information Just About Everything!